Thursday, July 29, 2010

I added some more LED's to the front logics.  I can't fit all 80 diodes due to the amount of wires looped in.  I may opt to replace these logics with a circuit board, but for now, it's pretty convincing.  In the pic, you can see some empty holes where I don't have diodes placed.  I'm hoping to squeeze one more string of lights into the logics, without breaking a chain....again...   I also plan on filling any leftover open areas with an unconnected diode, allowing the light from the neighboring LEDs to reflect through it.

In the below picture, you can see the gap I have to fill between the legs and shoulder of the frame.  I cut and glued up some leftover styrene, about 1/4" thick, around the shoulder area to add stability and strength.  I have two circular pieces from the frame which will be added as spacers and I'm hoping to either have additional parts made or will cut some plywood to fill in this space, roughly 3/4" thick.  This will add additional strength in the shoulders by reducing the amount of potential sway.  I strengthened the shoulder on the frame and moving Artoo around the house, I don't find much movement in the shoulders as he is right now.  The reinforcement will only add strength.  Additionally, I have 6" water pipe that will give me the proper diameter for the shoulders.  The water pipe will not add any real structural value and will more than likely be glued in place to the inside of the leg, covering up the shoulder hubs.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I finished the modification/construction on the feet.  The last piece was to create a bracket to hold the axle and chain tensioned.  This is one foot.  I have yet to attach some Anderson power poles to the wires on this foot.  The other foot has then connectors attached already.  For all intents and purposes, this part is done until I get the shells to cover it.  (Note - The bottom plate that was removed over the motor area will be re-attached before the foot is mounted to the ankle).

Friday, July 16, 2010

Electronics Board Layout

Ok, so it's not the most complex board to ever fit a droid.  Doesn't run a ton of gadgets, not going to repair my truck while on a trip, and certainly not going to fire jets on his outer legs and make him fly around a room.

But then again, I can't exactly leap tall buildings in a single bound either....

What this will do is provide and distribute power to different areas of Artoo.  These are only some of the boards that will be installed.  From the top and clockwise: RIGrunner 4005 series fuse box, Chinese made 180watt amplifier (how true, I don't know, but I've heard it's loud...). Multiplex IPD 7 channel radio receiver, R2 Builders club made 12V power distribution board and my Sabertooth dual channel drive board (to drive the feet).  Still need to order the Syren10 controller for the dome, which will find a home near the Sabertooth.  Although the board appears right side up, the board will be mounted to position the RIGrunner at the bottom.

I couldn't find any circuitboard standoffs so I made my own from styrene tubing found at a local hobby store.  I cut them to 1/4" lengths to give some cooling underneath the boards.

I went a little artsy-fartsy with the photos...  I miss shooting creatively and just got in the mode to do a little "product shooting" last night.  Here's the 12V power distribution board made for the club.

And a close up of the RIGrunner 4005H.  The fuses came with the unit, but I'll need to change them to meet my needs.  A nice feature of this board is if/when a fuse blows, there is an LED indicator in the board to alert me to which fuse to replace.  Nice piece if equipment, used by the amateur radio operators to run their stations.