I spent time over the weekend cutting hubs from a piece of 6" water pipe that was given to me a while back. I cut notches to fit around the frame upright and had originally intended to glue them to the legs, but I'm thinking otherwise right now. I have been thinking for some time about upgrading or replacing parts. He's not even complete yet, but I'm not really happy with some of the work I did. I have mentioned about replacing the skins. I'm not happy with how they are cut, and being my first part that I made from styrene, they are a little rough. A group member (Chani) is offering semi cut skins for a good price and I may grab a set of those. I am also considering replacing my styrene legs with the A&A legs. I plan on keeping the styrene legs for a possible (probable...) droid number 2, so they're not going to waste.
In any case, the shoulder hubs are on, and even though they aren't glued, they still look pretty good.
You can see how rough the skins look. Granted, these have not been sanded yet and that will improve the appearance, but I cut the area around the utility arms wrong and have never been satisfied with how it looks.
The full droid so far.
Wow, he coming together pretty quick!
I'm not sure if I've asked yet but,
Are you coming to Celebration 5?
Hey Crissy,
Thanks alot for the comment!! I'm getting there, still on hold for wiring, but he'll be moving soon.
Unfortunatly, I'm not going to make the Celebration event. I have vacation time next week, but with other expenses lined up, I couldn't swing it financially this time. I'm hoping for CVI, if it's not somewhere like California...
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