Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Leg Progress and Dome Panel

I started work on R2's second outer leg. I should be able to finish the construction this weekend, time permitting. Again, I am foaming the open cavities to make the leg more solid. I am also reinforcing the structure for additional strength.

Yesterday, I decided to repaint one of the dome panels from blue to aluminum. I made the mistake of painting it incorrectly at first and it has bothered me since. I switched from using the chrome paint and this time used Rustoleum's Metallic Aluminum. It coats so much nicer than the chrome and doesn't take a week to dry. I still clear coated as it brought the metallic color down a little and made it closer to the rest of the dome. Once I weather him, he'll look much more uniform, although, after looking at the color on the panel vs. the rest of the metal color, I'm very tempted to just mask off and repaint the entire dome.

Must resist temptation....

Here's the pics.

1 comment:

Calvin Thomas said...

The dome looks Great to me :o)
I found another weak spot in the A&A frame and I thought I'd let you know about it.
In the shoulder area where the Jag style plates are located, I'm ordering a aluminum plate to replace this area.
I noticed when I had my R2 out running around the frame was giving in this area and R2 was swaying back/fourth.
As soon as the plates come in you'll see it on my blog.